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Prayer for Family

I would like to ask any prayer warriors that have a family to join with me in prayer for my husband and 4 children and 2 Grand-children.
My husband and 4 children accepted the Lord. The children all 4 accepted Him into their lives when they were at home with us. We went to Church as a family, we prayed together and we taught them the Word. My husband and I tithed on what the Lord provided. We were in the military and I was a stay-at-home Mom. We managed and we watched God bless us in all things. We use to pray over every decision we made. We watched God lead us. With one income, and 4 kids we still somehow managed to have them in private school. God worked amazing miracles in our life.
However, since then they have all grown up and are on their own now and they have all 4 strayed away from the Lord. My husband has quit going to Church, quit reading his Bible and has said some pretty disparaging remarks about my continuing to tithe even though I am employed full-time and have my own paycheck.
There has been several incidents in the family that have caused some hurt, unforgiveness, and strife between my husband and each one of the kids, the kids are at odds with each other over some incidents.
My husband & I live in another state but all 4 of the kids live within 3 miles of each other. They don't even speak to each other when they meet on the street. They are ALL in a place where they don't even act like they are siblings....
It is breaking my heart. I can't call one without the others getting all upset and it makes visiting them a nightmare!
The Grand-children (13-14) both accepted the Lord while they were staying with me one summer. But their home lives are so stressful and unhappy because of divorce and fighting among their parents....
The 14 year old looks like some kind of street trash (she's a girl) but she looks scary with the black nail polish and all....She has been in trouble. For fighting in school, cursing a teacher and stabbing a boy with a pencil. She had been sent to a reformatory for 13 weeks. I am afraid what is going to become of her. Her parents are no help to her because they are too busy fighting over who is to blame. They fight over the child-support CONSTANTLY!!! It is really distressing me although I know that God's Word tells us to be anxious over nothing.
I need someone to agree with me that God will do a healing, restoring, refreshing, turning around in their lives! My entire family.
My husband's name is Kelly (45) Erin (33) Jason (32) Emily (24) Anna (23) Naomi (14) and Dixon (13).
Dixon is a good kid. He hasn't been in any trouble and he goes to Church.
At this point I am afraid they will miss the Rapture and I cannot bear that!
Thank you & God bless you.