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Broken hearted and being tormented by outside cheater

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I have been engaged to be married and my Girlfriend just told me that someone younger is interested in her. She doesn't know if she should go with him or stick with our engagement. He is an alcoholic and a drug user but a pretty handsome guy. She is confused about me but says she will always love me. I am heartbroken and in shock. She says she will find out if there is anything going on with him and if there isn't she will come back to me. She is sincere but a little influenced by single or divorced friends.They say I am too old for her and she could do much better. I believe she really loves me but I am not the most attractive person. I am about ready to fall apart in a major way. I am asking that God would bring their attraction to complete nothingness and that the fullness of God himself would shine in OUR relationship and it would be brought back together miraculously. Oh Lord prevent this ungodly attraction! Bring Reconciliation to US in a wonderful miraculous way. Bring us to where we were with YOU.
I really love her and her name is Toni. We have been dating a long time and she is a Christian. We never had relations and we were waiting for marriage. I am so utterly devastated. I ask that God will bring her back and clearly show her the truth right away. May God clear the confusion and bring her back a hundredfold in Christ, But I ask God to take care of everything. She is now finding out if she wants the other guy and I have to wait. The phone doesn’t ring from her as I have to wait. This hurts me a great deal. Lord Bring her back to me. I claim and end to the temptation of this guy and the Lord would thwart every attraction. May Toni get what she needs and not what she wants and that other guy would be gone for good. May she receive the Lords grace to rid herself of former things and Let the LORD be LORD of her life.
In Jesus Name