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Hello everyone -
For some reason the last email didn't make any sense. I am really out of it with my med changes. SO, I am going to try and make this one make sense.

Ok, There are graduation parties this weekend for Joshua and Congratulation parties for Joshua for getting into Pharmacy school. We DON'T need money for this.

We need prayer because I have been sick and family members and friends don't know why I have been gone. And my mother in law Bunnie doesn't like me. And she did not want parties at all for Joshua. But my side of the family did. We wanted cake and such to celebrate Josh!

IF anyone wants to congratulate Joshua -
Joshua Johnson
5451 5th ST NE APT 301
Fridley, MN 55421

Ok...Also...I was told to set up a pay pal account under because we are in need of funds. We don't have any money. We need prayer. We need prayer to find a place to live. We are going the second week in August to check out places to live. They have to take cats. We have 2 and I WILL NOT get rid of any animals I have. So, we need money to travel with and a place to stay and that will cost money. Next we need money for a moving truck. I fell and hurt my back so we also need prayer for people to help us out with moving. We also need money for a security deposit and first months rent. We also need money for Josh's student Loan a month. We need help!

I am hoping that people will show us kindness and help us. I hate to beg but I guess that is what I am doing. So, I don't know if you know how to use pay pal or not...if you don't Josh's address is above. I am honest. You can write me and we can see how honest I am.

Health update - doing better but doped up. Nervous and scared...but I know God is with me.
Michigan is over 10 hours from here but I know Josh needs to go to this school.

Our prayers were answered for Pharmacy school. Thank you for praying. - PRAISE JESUS.

Anyways, Pass my email along. I hope it makes sense. I feel all blurry in the head from medication. So, if it doesn't let me know.

And for salvation and help to all relatives and friends of Joshua and myself

GOD Bless you and many hugs and many prayers to all of you.
Carolyn "Carrie"