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OP Today Wed 1/16

I plan another good OP today and I'm planning on going to the gym for a workout..

No swimming the water is too cold so I'll hit the treadmill.

I live in an area where we have a club house here, and its practically in my back yard theres a workout room with machines, and I've never ventured into it.
for some reason a gym is more attractive to me..

so I do have two options and no excuse not to work out...

Re: OP Today Wed 1/16

OP for me too. DH has his first follow-up appointment with the regular doctor to evaluate his condition since starting the medication. That is this afternoon. This morning will be a hike on the treadmill and chores.


Re: OP Today Wed 1/16

Me too re OP...doing better...off to the gym before work, have a good day you guys, maaj

Re: OP Today Wed 1/16

Here at work again and OP.

Re: OP Today Wed 1/16

Op, of course

Re: OP Today Wed 1/16

I REALLY have to work on staying OP for the rest of this week. I've been slacking so much in the past few weeks, it's almost like I can't recover from the holidays or something. I want to make my first goal so bad and I know I have to buckle down if I want to achieve it.

Re: OP Today Wed 1/16

Op.. very busy..had a great day at work.