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Re: Daily commitment 1/25

I'm OP today. I'm not going to church because I'm sick. The only good thing about being sick is that I don't feel much like eating, maybe it'll help in my weight loss this wk. Hope you all have a great OP day.


Re: Daily commitment 1/25

OP all the way today. 2 yr old grandson visiting..the more OP I am, the more energy I have for him. Laura, hope you feel better. Take care everyone. Maajida

Re: Daily commitment 1/25

Good morning.

I'm OP today. Not doing much; just taking care of a sick little one and doing laundry.

Not sure about food today, haven't thought that far ahead. Have lots of leftovers we need to eat up today though from all the cooking I did this week.

Re: Daily commitment 1/25

Good afternoon ladies....

Was off to Sunday school early before 8:00 this a.m. Boy was it cold outside, but not your 0, Pat! It is about 20 here. I had sleet or freezing rain on the way to church. It still hasn't warmed up any yet, either!

Laura, sorry you're sick today. Hope you feel better quick. Yes, sometime being sick does help with the weight loss, but mine is always temporary and I come back with a ravenous appetite! LOL!

Maaj, it is great to have more energy when there's little grands around. I fully know where you're coming from. I am so greatful to finally being able to do more with mine!

Carrie, hope your little one gets better, too. I would rather be sick myself, than have a sick child. It's always part of being a mother, though!

I'm having an OP day. All my scrapping friends are gone! My daughter left her stuff here this a.m. on her way to church and will come back tomorrow or Tuesday to organize, scrap, carry it home, or whatever. They all had a great time and want to make it an event now!! Sounds like a plan to me!!

Have a great afternoon!

Re: Daily commitment 1/25

Good evening everyone!

I hope the day went well. I am sorry to hear about folks being under the weather. Here's hoping everyone feels better soon!

We visited a different church this morning and will probably visit again next sunday. It is much larger than what we are used to, but there is so much to choose from. Wes LOVED his class, and I haven't heard that from him in such a long time. He said the leader was "amazing," and there were kids from his school there too. Anna had 2 friends from her school there, and said it was so nice to have other kids her own age in her class. She also said they gave her a warm welcome. Mitch liked his class too. He is so funny - he couldn't remember what the lesson was on, but remembered that sanck was teddy grahams. LOL They had a guest speaker, so we want to go back to hear the regular pastor. Thank you for all your prayers about this. :)

We got the kitty. We picked him up tonight. He is still kind of hiding, but I think he will be fine.

Talk to you tomorrow!

Re: Daily commitment 1/25

Good evening everyone checking in a little late today. Had a pretty good day. Sunday school and church the girls played bells today. Then off to my sisters an hour away for a bday party for her DH. THe girls got to go sledding and we all had a wii tournament. Ate quite a large dinner agian and small supper. Op for the most part.

See u later