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Active Directory Log on for CRD Service

Does anyone know why the CRD Service will not run the scheduler in CRD when using am Active Directory Account?

The schedules will show up in the Queue but will not execute unless the service is a local Domain account


Re: Active Directory Log on for CRD Service

Yes, AD logons can be used to run the service. The service has to be properly installed for the AD user from within CRD following the instructions in Demo 29 at and in the help file.

Re: Active Directory Log on for CRD Service

All the demonstration shows me is how to enter the info. I use the actual Windows Services console to manage this service instead of the CRD GUI. The problem is, is that when I add a AD User the scheduler does not execute the reports.

Also I opened the CRD GUI for the NT service and the old user name and password is set up already and it will not let me change the parameters. When I go to change then the OK button greys out so I cannot click on it after I make the changes.



Re: Active Directory Log on for CRD Service

If you use the windows GUI it won't work as you have discovered. If you install it in CRD as per the demo and the help file, it works.

You need to unistall the existing user by selecting None and applying that, and then install the new user following the instructions in the Help File.

Re: Active Directory Log on for CRD Service

Thanks that helped. Just changing to service log on was not enough. I had to remove the service and add it again using the AD user account.

Thanks again,


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