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CRD Instant modification

I just download CRD.
I would like to create Schedule Report.

The Crystal Report
It has to put "date and time" parameter
It is like,
3/14/2007 12:00:00 AM

I want to cahnge this parameter everyday.

I try to use CRD Instants
But CRD Instants "CurrentDateTime" is "MMddyyyyHHmmss"
Which is 03142007120000
Is it possible to change the format as "MM/dd/yyy HH:mm:ss AM" ?

Please let me know.


Re: CRD Instant modification

The dropdown box is over-writable.
Just overwrite the format with what you want and it will come out that way

Re: CRD Instant modification

Tnanks Jamie.
The problem was resolved!


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