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Create a task to move a Scheduled backup

I am trying have CRD backup every day locally, then once a week copy the most recent backup folder to the network (which will be backed up on tape).

All the local backups go to My DocumentsCRD Backup

I have CRD set to backup locally which works fine, but when I create a task to move the most recent (today's) backup, I get an error saying it cannot find the folder specified.

Since the backup stores all of the files into a datetime folder, I have the following entered in the task as the "Select Folder" -
My DocumentsCRD Backup< CurrentDate;yyyyMMdd>*

I don't think this can be done using a yyyyMMddHHmm parameter in the current date constant since the backup will complete at a different time every day, and the task will not be running at that same time.

Any ideas about how to solve this?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Create a task to move a Scheduled backup

Why not backup directly to your network folder?

Re: Create a task to move a Scheduled backup

Each backup is around 1Gb in size, so its just a matter of saving drive space.

Re: Create a task to move a Scheduled backup

How much stuff is in your the CRDOutput folder?
Go to Options-Housekeeping-Folder Housekeeping and set it to delete everything in that folder that is older than a day. Your backup will become much much smaller

Re: Create a task to move a Scheduled backup

From what I can see only the Cache folder is saved when the system is backed up, but I did have a few hundred megs of files in the output folder that wansn't needed.

Thanks David!

Re: Create a task to move a Scheduled backup

Horray for CRD 6.5!!!

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