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Installing CRD for multiple domains

Hi, we have several sites where we require to run a package of reports everyday, every site is in a different network. Is there any way to install CRD in a computer with access to all this sites and run CRD for all the sites, or, do we require install it in every site.
I will apreciate any information you would have,

Re: Installing CRD for multiple domains

Are you able to sit at your PC at HQ and run reports manually in Crystal for sites on the different domains? If so, how are you doing this? Is there a different dsn on your PC for each of the different databases?

Re: Installing CRD for multiple domains

Hi Tim, no, we can't. We are using another tool to run the reports. I guess we will need to buy the CRD (and the CR dev edition) for every site. :S

Re: Installing CRD for multiple domains

just double checking, if we have several dsn we will require install crd for every one, or is there a way that we can run the same package for several dsn?

Re: Installing CRD for multiple domains

If you can connect to each database by simply changing the dsn then you would not have to install multiple CRDs. If you have the Corporate Edition then make a copy of the schedule or package (one copy for each branch) then you can simply change the DSN in properties of the schedule to point to the relevant dsn. If you have 20 sites, you'll have to make and modify 20 copies of the schedule - one for each site- but thats infinitely easier and quicker than installing CRD and Crystal at every site.


Re: Installing CRD for multiple domains

Great! yeah i will go with that option. It is so much easier! Thanks a lot Tim!
One more question, lets say that i have 20 copies of the package, if i have crd running with certain dsn, hat is going to happen with the rest? do you know if is possible that they continue with theirs schedules, or are going to be stopped until i change the dsn?

Re: Installing CRD for multiple domains

It executes all schedules! it is great!!!!

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