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Schedule Catastrophic Failure

I continually receive this message through out the day for one schedule. It is a schedule that runs hourly and when it has this error it disables the schedule. I cannot figure out why it does this. Does any one have any insight into this type of error?

Thanks in advance.


PC Name: ServerName
Date: 5/14/2007 6:59:50 PM
Error Description: 12044: Catastrophic scheduler processing error.Next run not incremented for schedule 'Schedule Name'. The schedule will be disabled to avoid repeatition.
Error Number: -2417187
Error Source: _Schedule
Line Number: 1350

Re: Schedule Catastrophic Failure

Do you backup your schedules? It might be worth re-importing your schedules, or try to create a new package from scratch. I had a dynamic package that I couldn't get to run, and redoing it seemed to fix it.

Re: Schedule Catastrophic Failure

Hi Chris,
did you solve it? If yes, how did you proceed?


Re: Schedule Catastrophic Failure

I set up a SQL Job to re-enable the schedule every hour prior to it running.

Re: Schedule Catastrophic Failure

can you please give me a hint for that?

Re: Schedule Catastrophic Failure

Here is the script I use, obviously your ReportID would be different, but the table and field names should be the same

update s
set s.status = 1
--select s.status
from scheduleattr s
where s.reportid in (12042, 54333)

This runs every hour just prior to my schedule kicking off to ensure it is enabled. I tried setting up new schedules but that never worked. I do have the latest build and have never went to back to test it to see if it still happens because it is so light weght to me it doesn't matter.

Let me know how you get on.


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