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Running Automation Schedule From Sql Server


I am trying to execute Automation Schedule created in CRD and run that schedule from SQL Server. I have tried but i got some permissions error. Is any body has ever tried to run any schedule from SQL Server or any other third party software using batch files. I am able to run the schedules from command prompt.

If any body can provide me some information for running schedule from SQL Server, it will be a great help.


Re: Running Automation Schedule From Sql Server

Is CRD installed on the SQL server? Or is the SQL Server somewhere else?

Re: Running Automation Schedule From Sql Server

SQL Server is on another server. As we need to execute the CRD Schedule after completion of SQL Server Daily Jobs.


Re: Running Automation Schedule From Sql Server

You can't run a command line on one pc to run an application on another pc. The application needs to be on the same pc as where it is being run. This is the case with most windows applications.

For example, try and run winword on a pc that does not have word installed to open a document on another pc and it will fall over.

You should get your SQL server to write to a database table when it has completed it activity. Then write an event-based schedule in CRD to monitor the table and fire the schedule when it sees a new record.

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