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Single Shedule Report for multiple clients.

I am new at CRD. I just want to know that how can I schedule a report that will sent to multiple clients. Each report has different information according to client, based on client ID. How can I pass parameter to this report? In my case parameters are from the result of a SQL query. Like "select ClientID from TblCustomer where Payment > 0" it will return the result like
126158 etc...
And these records based on the Payment.
So I want to send Receipt (Crystal Report) to these clients. I have checked CRD schedule for a single client and it is running fine. But I don't have an idea that how it will be sent to multiple clients based on SQL query. Also I want the ClientName merged with attachment file name.
Please help me regarding this. If it is possible then my company will be really interested to buy CRD.

Re: Single Shedule Report for multiple clients.

You're in luck! This can be done in CRD using Dynamic Schedules or the new data-driven schedules introduced with CRD 6.5. See the following page for examples:


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