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Report parameters

Let's suppose i want to schedule (Dynamic Schedule) a report (it's data will be based on TblCustomer[CustomerID, CustomerName, EMail]), Now i selected the CustomerID for step 3 (Key parameter), then i want to pass the values to the other parameters(CustomerName and EMail) for them i want to make a query like (Select CustomerName from tblCustomer Where CustomerID = [insertConstant->Parameters->CustomerID])
because i just want to have a customer name whose record will be mapped with parameter (CustomerID) at run time. but i don't have any idea that how to do this. please help. i tried insert constant as i mentioned above but it failed!

Re: Report parameters

It looks like you are looking for Data Items. Search for "Data Items" in the CRD Help file for examples on how to create these.


Re: Report parameters


I tried the data items but, there is no any option to insert constant in where clause. So what to do?

Re: Report parameters

To insert the data item you have created, right-click in the area you need to insert it > select "Insert" > select "Database Field".


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