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Report Package will run manually, but schedule fails

I have a report package that consists of five reports. When I execute the package manually, all of the reports succeed and they are emailed as expected. I have them scheduled to run each day, but every time they fail with the following error:

Logon failed.
Details: 28000:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'sa'.

I know that the sa password is correct, and I know that the reports work when I execute the package manually. Any ideas to why they fail on the schedule?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Report Package will run manually, but schedule fails


Are you using the latest build of CRD? Also which scheduler are you running?

Re: Report Package will run manually, but schedule fails

The build I am running is:
6.1 Build 20070321/100

How to I know which Scheduler I am using? It is a daily schedule - what else would you like to know?

Re: Report Package will run manually, but schedule fails

Go to Options-Scheduler.

Re: Report Package will run manually, but schedule fails

Can you check the following:
- make sure you are using a System DSN to connect to your database.
- if you are using SQL authentication make sure you are also entering this information in report options for the schedule.


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