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System Out Of Memory

I am running CRD Platinum addition with Crystal 9.0. The problem I am having is that it is giving me the System out of memory. Report was thrown.

What causes this and how can I fix it?

Thanks for any help.

Re: System Out Of Memory

It seems to be a lack of resources issue. How much memory do you have on your PC and what are your virtual memory settings?

Re: System Out Of Memory

Here is the message:

Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

2.0 GB of RAM and 1536 MB for virtual memory

Re: System Out Of Memory

This error is also caused by Memkoryt leaks in the Crystal dlls. Make sure you are using Crystal Developer or Advanced Edition on the CRD PC. Also apply all the service packs AND all the hotfixes.

It may also help to ensure that you have the latest build of CRD installed.

Re: System Out Of Memory

Is that legal under our license agreement?

Re: System Out Of Memory

Re: System Out Of Memory

One more question about the update, will it have any effect on the reports that have already been set up?

Re: System Out Of Memory


Re: System Out Of Memory


Thank you for you help. I ran the updates and the system ran smoothly.

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