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Problems with schedule going to a printer.

We do production faxing with a product call GoldFax. We can embed our fax destination information in a Crystal report and then simply fax to their print driver. We have done this for years using CRD and GoldFax. I upgraded to 6.5 last week and no longer can do this. The embeded codes have to be a courier font type for the fax to reconize the details. This seems to be where the problem is. I can print the report directly from Crystal and it will work fine. If I execute the report from CRD then it won't work. Something is going on when it gets sent to the printer. Has anyone else seen something like this since going to 6.5?

Re: Problems with schedule going to a printer.

I had this when my NT service user didn't have the printer installed in its profile, or didn't have rights to the printer.

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