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Event Based Schedule

Hi all,

OK, I have a question that is really worrying me.

I have set up an event based schedule to send an email when a database record exists. This works fine.

When testing this functionality, I created a dummy database and set up a data source to it for testing purposes. having passed testing, I decided to edit the data source to point to my live database. At the point of editing the schedule to relate to my live db, CRD sent error emails (datasource not found).

This concerned me a little.
Having updated the scheduled, it worked fine, but my concern is this....

It would appear that CRD communicates with the db around every 30 seconds or so. If my db is located over the network and the network goes down, would there be a huge influx of CRD error mails (which would be disasterous if it went down overnight), or does it time out after so many attempts?

I notice there is a retry 'x' many times and timeout after so many minutes, but as it communites with the db at very small regular intervals, would it attempt again 30 seconds later after the previous job timed out?

Any advice would be great.


Re: Event Based Schedule

I get an email for each time it fails whilst my db is down. Here's what I have done to help "manage" the situation:

1. I have switched on "Custom Hours of Operation" on all my event-based schedules so that they poll only between 8am and 6pm. This means that if the db is down for maintenance or anything else overnight CRD is not affected.

2. If the db goes down during operation hours, I have written a rule in Outlook to send each event-schedule's email into its own folder. So I can quickly tell which db has fallen over and I can manually disable the schedule until the db is back on line.

Does this help?

Re: Event Based Schedule

Thanks Stuart. That sounds ideal.

Where do you specify the custom hours, and can you select to use it on specified schedules only as I run other schedules throughout the night?

Many thanks again

Re: Event Based Schedule

Right-click on each schedule you want and select Properties-Schedule Options. Hours of Operation is on that tab.

Re: Event Based Schedule

I don't appear to have that.

What version do you have? I am running 6.1 Enterprise Pro Plus.

When I right click on my schedule, properties then schedules tab, the only options I have are new reports, existing schedules or none. There is no other tab from here that I can see.

Re: Event Based Schedule

I am using Version 6.5

Re: Event Based Schedule


Maybe it's new to 6.5

Thanks for the suggestion anyway. Is there anything else I can try. I can't beleive it would be built without taking this scenerio into account and making it manageable.

Re: Event Based Schedule

Ideally, It would be good to have an option to say if it fails a number of times in a row, then disable the schedule altogether!

Re: Event Based Schedule

Why don't you just upgrade? All I did was to download it and install it over my 6.1 and it upgraded it without any problems. All my old schedules worked as before.

Re: Event Based Schedule

I think our support has expired. I assume this will have an impact on upgrades.

Re: Event Based Schedule

Looks like it is a new feature.

Taken from the CRD website

- Event-Based Schedules: User can specify a set of "Operational Hours". The schedule will only run during these hours.

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