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Re: Event Based Schedule

I don't appear to have that.

What version do you have? I am running 6.1 Enterprise Pro Plus.

When I right click on my schedule, properties then schedules tab, the only options I have are new reports, existing schedules or none. There is no other tab from here that I can see.

Re: Event Based Schedule

I am using Version 6.5

Re: Event Based Schedule


Maybe it's new to 6.5

Thanks for the suggestion anyway. Is there anything else I can try. I can't beleive it would be built without taking this scenerio into account and making it manageable.

Re: Event Based Schedule

Ideally, It would be good to have an option to say if it fails a number of times in a row, then disable the schedule altogether!

Re: Event Based Schedule

Why don't you just upgrade? All I did was to download it and install it over my 6.1 and it upgraded it without any problems. All my old schedules worked as before.

Re: Event Based Schedule

I think our support has expired. I assume this will have an impact on upgrades.

Re: Event Based Schedule

Looks like it is a new feature.

Taken from the CRD website

- Event-Based Schedules: User can specify a set of "Operational Hours". The schedule will only run during these hours.

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