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Re: Custom Task options are greyed out

This happens in whatever report I try to do. It does not matter if it is for a Single, Package, Dynamic, Event, Data-Driven or Bursting schedule...The feature remains greyed-out.

Re: Custom Task options are greyed out

Has anyone figured this out yet? I have two reports in a package. The first custom task is set to kick off a macro in access (one of the reports is an ODBC output to this access db). The second kicks off another package that emails all of it's reports to a client which in turn kicks off another that goes to a different client and so on three times.

The ODBC that goes into access, has the macro kicked off on it and populates a table that three reports, for two of the later packages pull from.

It is trying to run the task for both reports in the initial package. Being that one one ODBC (CREXPORT) file went into access it errors out but still kicks off the other packages twice.

My clients are now asking why they are getting these reports twice, one 20 minutes after the other and the custom task option box is grey so I can't stop it.

Anyhow . . . again, has anyone figured this out?

Re: Custom Task options are greyed out

The options for how a custom task should run apply to the entire package i.e they will run once for the entire package despite what it says in the greyed out bit. The greyed out bit is only used for dynamic schedules.

You should consider going to the Exception Handling section and setting the package to fail if any of the reports fail. However this may no work for you as you are using the custom tasks themselves to kick off other packages and scedules.

Additionally I would advise that you do not chain schedules together in the way you are because if anything goes wrong in one section then sections of the chain may not behave as you require.

Run your macros as an automation schedule set to run at some time before the normal report packages kick in to run the reports.

Also consider putting long pauses (in your case possibly 20 mins) in the custom task between when macros run and when reports kick off. You may simply not be giving the sytem enough time to process each step.

Re: Custom Task options are greyed out

CRD Support said it was a feature of the version of my CRD (Enterprise).

We upgraded recently to Corporate version and so far it was behaving well most of the time.

Thank you folks.

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