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Error in exporting package to PDF

I am having 60reports,I scheduled reports as package,
then i executed all the contents in schedule but some reports giving error like this
Error Number: -2147467261
Module Name: ProcessReport
Line Number: 710
Error Description: 42_Assets_HWDemographic: 42
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Suggestion: Your crystal runtime components are either corrupt or out-of-date. Please install all the Crystal Reports service packs and hotfixes.

please help me.............. it is urgent

Thanks & Regards,

Samba Shiva Reddy

Re: Error in exporting package to PDF

You do need to install all the Crystal Reports service packs and hotfixes for the version of Crystal Reports you have installed. If you are still having errors you should send Member Services a screenshot of the screen you get when you go to Help > About Crystal Reports in Crystal Reports.

Hope that helps!

Re: Error in exporting package to PDF

Sorry i dont have the Crystal report packs ,Is there any other way plz help mee......
thanks for replay

Re: Error in exporting package to PDF

As Pic said "send Member Services a screenshot of the screen you get when you go to Help > About Crystal Reports in Crystal Reports".

They will use this to get the latest Crystal components for you. Note: You MUST be using Crystal Developer edition or above.

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