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The database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine '' that prevents it from being op

Error Description: The database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine '' that prevents it from being opened or locked.
Error Number: -2147467259
Error Source: OpenMainDataConnection
Line Number: 0

Has anyone seen this before?
It is now happening every few days at irregular intervals.

I think it may be due to two event based schedules running "where record exists", which incidently runs every 30 seconds and thrashes the CPU to 100% nearly the whole time.

I am running CRD 6.1.

Can someone confirm that the above error message is due to some kind of conflicting event schedules (maybe the prior one was delayed for 30 seconds????).

Also, would upgrading solve this issue?

I believe you are able to change the polling intervals, which is something I can't do at the minute.

I would rather poll every 5 or 10 minutes rather than at 30 second intervals.

Please advise so I can push for the upgrade, or maybe a workaround if available.

Many thanks

Re: The database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine '' that prevents it from bein

Two things I would advise:
- Migrate your CRD Schedule database to SQl Server or some other ODBC compliant database that can handle the frequency of calls.
- Install CRD 6.5 because in this you can set different polling intervals for event-based schedules to standard schedules.

I believe a lot of work has been done on Event-Based schedules anyway in later builds than you are using so upgrading and migrating should eliminate the error you are getting.


Re: The database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine '' that prevents it from bein

Great, Thanks for the reply.

You've confirmed what I had guessed the problem was.
By changing the polling intervals for event triggers, this should eliminate my problem.

Many thanks

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