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Where did my report go?

I've just installed the Evaluation edition and am doing some quick testing. So far, looks good with one exception. My reports keep disapearing
In fact it appears all .rpt files in the folder are removed/deleted. However I can continue to preview and schedule the report as if it were still present.
Can anyone educate me on what is happening?
thanks, Scott

Re: Where did my report go?

That's quite strange, CRD will actually only make a copy of your report which is cached and read (not modified) in a separate folder. Isn't there any other process which is causing this?

Re: Where did my report go?

Not that I'm aware of. I can actually watch the files being removed. I'll schedule a report for say 1 or 2 minutes in the future, then open the folder with the report in it. When the scheduler runs I can tell because the cursor changes to an hour glass, and then ... poof the report is gone. Happens every time??

Re: Where did my report go?

I had the same happen when I was directing the output .PDF file to the same folder as the input .rpt file. I am told my CRD support that updating to the latest build (Jan 2009) will fix this issue.
However, I did overcome it by directing the output .PDF files to a folder other than the input .rpt folder. That's saved me doing the upgrade until a later date for the moment.

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