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Reports run ans eMail out but getting error messages back indicating mailing failed

Reports run and eMail out I've checked the destinations and reports are arriving, but am getting error messages back indicating mailing failed
PC Name:
Schedule Name (if applicable):
Date: 30/01/2008 14:44:03
Error Description: Single Schedule:. Report(s) produced successfully but email failed with the following error: 503 Issue RCPT TO: command before DATA command

Error Number: 5
Error Source: SendSMTP
Line Number: 1480

has anyone seen this before?

Re: Reports run ans eMail out but getting error messages back indicating mailing failed


This is caused when the SMTP server expects to receive mail before sending. This usually results from server authentication priorities. An enhancement request is already logged for CRD to handle this case (POP Before SMTP). In the meantime you can either adjust your SMTP settings or just ignore the errors.


Re: Reports run ans eMail out but getting error messages back indicating mailing failed

Here's what to do:

- Download and install CRD 6.6 Build 20080130
- Go to Options->Messaging
- Click the "Advanced" Button
- Enter your POP details

That should make CRD use POP before SMTP and your errors should go away.

Re: Re: Reports run ans eMail out but getting error messages back indicating mailing failed

I'm getting this error as well, but we're using Exchange, meaning no POP server settings.

Also, our message is slightly different:

Error Description: Single Schedule:. Report(s) produced successfully but
email failed with the following error: 503 5.5.2 Need Rcpt command.

Error Number: 5
Error Source: SendSMTP
Line Number: 2290

This just started happening after upgrading to build 20080130/90.


Re: Reports run ans eMail out but getting error messages back indicating mailing failed

We're getting a similar error. We just recently upgraded to 6.6 Build 20080219. We use Novell GroupWise at our site (6.5.7). The error we get is:

Single Schedule:. Report(s) produced successfully but email failed with the following error: 503 Bad command sequence

Sending a test e-mail from the CRD application goes out no problem whatsoever. We cannot confirm but think it is Crystal Report schedules ONLY that are failing.

Any help?

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