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Re: date format

That's quite easy to do.

- Open up the parameter screen
- Right-click in the parameter field
- Select "Inserts" then "Constants"
- In the form that shows up select "CRDConstants" in the type field and select "CurrentDate" in the name field.

This will bring up some extra fields.

In the format box, dorp down and choose a format you want. But in your case, as it is not in the list, you can just type it in as follows:


Then click "Insert" button to insert this constant into the field.

Re: date format

Hello Andy,

but how do I get the date( ) round the date!


Re: date format

Just type it into the parameter box as text e.g:

Date(**Insert goes here***)

Am I making sense?

Re: date format

Sorry having a bad day!

The syntax I have is:

< CurrentDate;yyyy,mm,dd>

Where should I put the date( and )


Re: date format

In the parameter field you would normally type in manually:



So now, type in

"Date(< CurrentDate;yyyy,MM,DD>)"

In other words, replace the variable part of the parameter value with the insert. The static part - Date() is typed in manually and stays the same at all times.

does this help?

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