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Re: Remote Administration

OK, migrated to sql server and this does allow multiple users access to the schedules. However, this does then require all local installs to be configured identically to the server CRD install; including DSN's, mapped drives etc.
It would be useful if CRD 'options' were stored via sql server to avoid the having to 'clone' the local installs from the CRD server.
In the end I found that restoring from a server backup was the least painful method.
Opinion: Needs more work for multi-user, multi-server environments........

Re: Remote Administration

Still limited to one connection via remote admin. Have noticed that all schedules refuse to execute when asked to do so via remote admin. Anyone have issue with this behaviour? Any resolutions found?

Re: Remote Administration

It is an eithr/or situation. You can either remote admin one installation running on local dat file or ou can have multiple users connected to a single SQL database.

If you want to actually control the installation on the server you would have to use Terminal Services or some other remote control software to log on to the server and run CRD there. In the SQL scenario, the main installation also becomes a "client" installation. The only difference between this and normal clients is that this will have the scheduler switched on wheras normal clients don't.


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