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Event Based Schedules File Modification Parameters

I am trying to set up a monitoring schedule using a server log file so that whenever the log file is amended (errors, network issues etc) an email is sent to the support team.

I have set up an Event Based Schedule to monitor the file for any changes but when testing and amending file manually nothing happens at all. The file is a simple text document with a .log file extension.

Does anyone know what the parameters are that CRD uses to tell is a file has been modified? The size changes and so does the modified date that Windows reads so what is CRD looking at?

hope someone can help


Re: Event Based Schedules File Modification Parameters


I'm also have the same problem. When I look at in the historylog, i see log --> i can't expand the log.

Strange problem.

Greetz, Freek

Re: Event Based Schedules File Modification Parameters

Even if I start the schedule with the option "Execute schedule" --> the schedule then don't even works

Re: Event Based Schedules File Modification Parameters

Hi All,

Make sure that you are on the latest build as I believe there were some problems with event based schedules not working properly. You should be able to download from

After that I would log a support call so they can have a look at your schedule and possibly your system.


Re: Event Based Schedules File Modification Parameters

Hi Paul,

I've already installed the latest CRD versio n(6.6).
I will contact the support desk for this problem(member service). Strange problem.....


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