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Batch sending dynamic Reports to different recipients

I have a single dynamic report that takes in a parameter. I want to group some of these reports together (based on the recipient) and send one email with all of the instances of their reports in one pdf file on one email. Currently I they would recieve multiple emails.

The only other alternative is to have a single schedule per recipient but it is not a neat.

Please help!!

Re: Batch sending dynamic Reports to different recipients

Put the report in a dynamic package. You will be ble to do what you are describing.

Re: Batch sending dynamic Reports to different recipients

I tried that and I can see how that works for packaging different reports to one person or multiple people but not send out 10 instances of the single report to the same and then a number of other instances of the report to another recipent. Could you elaborate on which part of the dynamic package you specify the criteria for batching the files (for me it would be the first to characters of the parameter)?


Re: Batch sending dynamic Reports to different recipients

The criteria is specified in the Linking section. You create a separate database which defines the destination email address per parameter value e.g.

Para 10 goes to john
para 11 goes to amy
para 13 goes to john
para 14 goes to peter
para 15 goes to amy

You use the linking section to tell CRD how to find the emal address that corresponds to the parameter it is running at the time (Key Parameter)

When the schedule has finished running amy and john will receive one wmail with 2 reports and peter will receive one email with one report.

There are some online demos you can watch on the CRD web page.

Re: Batch sending dynamic Reports to different recipients

many thanks I will give it a go and let you know how I got on.

Re: Batch sending dynamic Reports to different recipients

I tried this as you mentioned and I cannot get it to add all of the reports for one destination on to a single email, they are delivered as seperate emails.

Does this solution require the PDF custom options pack? If not then I'm not sure where I am going wrong.

Re: Batch sending dynamic Reports to different recipients

After contacting support it turns out I need to have the data driven schedules in order to do this!!

Thanks for your assistance.

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