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Experience from using CRD and Crystal Reports 2008

It seems like Crystal 2008 does not support all the features available in the CRXI Dev API.

Do anyone here have any experience in using CRD with CR 2008 and are using reports with sub-reports fetching data from several databases?

Re: Experience from using CRD and Crystal Reports 2008

I am using CR 2008 with CRD and have reports using with sub reports fetching data from the same database if that assists.

I find it very simple insert an existing subreport, then declare the key variables as 'shared' both in the sub and primary report and all works well.

I am reporting from Access 2003.

Re: Experience from using CRD and Crystal Reports 2008

It is working for me as well when I run sub reports against one database.

My problem is that I have to reference information in several databases using different logins. When I tried to set the table logins for the sub reports I got the message "Crystal 2008 API does not allow direct access to sub reports" from CRD.

As the holidays are closing our solution was to revert the CRD servers back to using CR XI Dev which turned out well and everything is working fine again.

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