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Re: data missing

I've created a report using Crytal 2008. When it is run in Crystal, it comes back correct data. But under CRD, the data in details section are all missing. I just updated my CRD last Friday but it is still not working.

Also, I want to use "Excel Group Bursting" function, but never works. Can anyone let me know how to use it?

Thank you.

Re: Re: data missing


There are a couple things you should check in regards to your report not returning data. First you should check that your report is not "saved with data". If it is, save it with out data, then right click your schedule and click refresh schedule. Also be sure that you are using System DSNs for your report and CRD. If you are using subreports you may need to add login information for those, by going in to the properties > report options > advanced, right click the subrepot and select database login.

As for your excel bursting, you need to be sure that your grouping field or formula is in the group header and that it and the header are not suppressed. If you need the field or formula hidden we would suggest to change the font color to match the background.

Let me know how you do with your issues.


Re: Re: data missing

Thanks Paul.
I'm still working on the first problem. The report is not 'saved with data'and there is no subreport. I only used 'conditional suppress' to suppress some lines in the details section.
I have deleted the condional suppress in the section expert. I can see most data except for the first two fields are still missing.
Any help are much appreciated.


Re: Re: data missing

I have just kind of solved the first problem. I changed one of filters in an alternative way to express. Basically I used 'not isnull' first, but now I'm using 'not equal to ""'. It's working now, but have no idea the reason behind it.

I still can't make the excel group bursting work. There are three group fields in the report, and I want the output based on the group 1. As you suggested, I changed the group 1 header's fond to white because I want it invisble. But the report's keeping reporting errors. It's keeping saying that report is blank. I have no trouble to output the report without using "Excel Group Bursting" function. The error only happens when I use the function.

Please help.

Thank you.

Re: Re: data missing

Make sure you are on the latest build. If you are you will probably need to submit a support call so Tech support can have a look at your files and possibly your system. I would suggest that you send your support files and if possible your Crystal Reports .rpt file saved with data to speed up the process.

Good Luck,

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