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Scheduled Reports Missing Data

I'm using Progress 9D as the backed database. The reports are built with Crystal 9.2 Developer. They run fine in Crystal. They occasionally run fine in CRD, but at other times the reports come up blank, even though I know there is data there, and if I go back in Crystal and run them, they are fine.

I've manually executed the schedule, and had it show blank, to manually execute it a second time, and have it show data. Something just feels off. I have 19 days left on the Trial, if I can't figure out what is causing this to occur, I'm going to have to look to other means for scheduling the reports.

I've made sure my reports have been saved with no data in them.

I'm not using the NT Service, I'm using the Application Background option.

Any ideas on what may be causing the reports to randomly show up as blank?

Re: Scheduled Reports Missing Data

Sounds like you need to set table level logons in your reports and subreports. Also, make sure that the progress user has table level rights o all the tables.
Hope this helps.

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