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Memory is corrup


I encountered this error when I try to run data-driven schedule with 169 reports to generate.

Error Description:
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

Error Number:


Does anyone of you have experienced the same problem?


Re: Memory is corrup

There is a memory leak in the version of Crystal runtime export dllson your PC. Patch it up with all the hotfixes and service packs. If the problem continues raise a support incident and snd them a screenshot of the Help/About creen in Crystal and they will mae you an installation of the latest crystal dlls.

Re: Memory is corrup

The last time I had this I needed to install all the Crystal Reports service packs and hotfixes for the version of Crystal Reports I had installed. If you are still having errors after that you should send Member Services ( a screenshot of the screen you get when you go to Help > About Crystal Reports in Crystal Reports.

Hope that helps!

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