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Quick Citrix installation questions

Hi all - some quick questions about installation of CRD onto a Citrix server :

a) am I able to install a single-license copy of CRD Standard onto Citrix and have >1 user log on at a time to schedule reports ?

b) If the answer to 'a' is 'yes': If the scheduling option I choose for CRD is the "NT Service Scheduler" will each user see only the reports they have scheduled, or will they see all users scheduled reports ?

c) If the answer to 'b' is 'they will see all scheduled reports': will user 'x' be able to modify / delete user 'y's scheduled reports ?

... we've just finished a 30 day trial with CRD, and the software is the best out there, however we really do need to have >1 user scheduling reports at a time, and can only afford the 1 license ...

Re: Quick Citrix installation questions


This is my understanding of how CRD and Citrix work together.
You will need to have seperate licenses for each user that logs in to create, modify and execute schedules.
The configuration of the User Manager in CRD is what sets "permissions" for users to see each other's schedules or not.
You are required to purchase the ODBC storage so there is one single system file for the scheduler to poll and execute.
Depending on how many users you will have and when they will be scheduling the schedules you may require multi-theading so that more than one schedule can be executed at a time. This will not speed up the process, it actually usually slows it down but that is dependent on the system it is running on.

Let me know if you have more questions and I will try and help. You may also want to contact and have a sales person talk to you about your options and requirements.


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