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Wake up Function

As part of ongoing cost cutting efforts our company is going to set computers to go to stand-by or hibernate when the machine is unused for more than 30 min.

I have a desktop computer that runs reports in the middle of the night. Does CRD have wake up functionality? Will it be able to bring the machine online from stand-by or hibernation mode at 3AM to run the current report schedules?

We are currently running the Gold version of CRD.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Wake up Function


If you are already running CRD using the NT Service scheudler all your schedules will continue to run while being locked, logged off, etc, the PC just needs to be on. If you are using the Background Application then I would suggest that you switch.
Here is a link to the demo on the website about the NT Scheduler:


Re: Wake up Function


Thanks very much for your reply. It turns out we were using the background scheduler application and not the NT service scheduler.

I watched the demo from the link you provided. I followed the step to activate the NT Service Scheduler. I am pretty confident it worked because the CRD icon in the systray has changed, and when I go to services I now have two services running, CRD and CRD Monitor, that were not there before.

After checking this I set a schedule to run and then logged off the machine. The schedule did NOT run with no one logged on.

Is there something else I need to check? Can you think of anything else that would be preventing the schedules from running while logged off?

Thanks again for your help!


Re: Wake up Function


I had a similiar issue with a some schedules not being executed. After logging a support call they found the problem and are expecting to release a new build that addresses the problem later today. You should be able to go in CRD to help, check for updates and be notified one it is available.

Hopefully this will solve your problem.


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