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Report in Burst Mode


I have a CR that we run for single customers. There are two CR parameters:

Account Number (Single Value - Not a range)
Account Type

Only Account Number is used to select info from the databse.

We would like CRD to run ALL of our customers (We have several thousand) and create a seperate PDF file for each with their Account Number in the file name. Example:

XXXXXXX_YYYY.PDF (Where XXXXXXX is the Account Number and YYYY is the year)

I have two questions:

1) I found where to set up PDF's, but am having trouble having a single instance report burst on a range of Account Numbers. How do I do that?

2) How do I set-up the XXXXXXX_YYYY.pdf custom file name?

Thank you.

Re: Report in Burst Mode

The type of schedule you are looking to use is either a Dynamic or Data Driven schedule. You would then go to the naming tab in the output and right click and use an insert or there is a check box option to insert the key parameter into the name. If the key parameter is the Account number then that is all you would need to do. Have a look at the demos on the website and it should be pretty clear on how to set one up. If you have an question you can always come back or go to Tech Support. Here is a link:
You will want to look at #6 and #9.


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