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Does CRD work with Crystal Reports Embedded Server?

I do see that CRD does not come with crystal report runtime components. And in the "CRD Prerequisites" there is a talk abt Crystal Reports Developer Edition. I assume the main reason for this is CRD could use the runtime libraries that come along with Crystal Reports Developer Edition. I have got a question around this. I have got an environment which has Crystal Reports Embedded Server. I am kind of new to Crystal Reports. I am just wondering if Crystal Reports Embedded Server comes with all the runtime libraries that CRD needs to work just fine?? Please help.


Re: Does CRD work with Crystal Reports Embedded Server?


The Crystal Reports embedded server does not come with the runtime components required by CRD. You would need to install Crystal Reports Advanced or Developer and these provide the runtimes. I believe there is only one version of Crystal 2008 and this does provide the needed runtimes as well. Let me know if you have any questions and I will try and help.


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