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create schedule by command line

Hi, I try to create a schedule by command on the evaluation edition with error "Index was outside the bounds of the array"

The command I type is crd.exe -x schedulename:testing;reportpath:c:092009 esting.rpt;foldername:Daily;crduser:testing;crdpassword:testing;status:1;uselogin:0;usesaveddata:1;destination:disk;destinationname:c:092009;outputpath:c092009;format:pdf;zip:0;embed:0

Can anyone help ?

Re: create schedule by command line


Try using schedulename=testing;reportpath=C:xxxxx.rpt; etc

Let us know how it goes.


Re: create schedule by command line

Dear Paul,

Thx~! I will try on tomorrow morning ^^

ka wah

Re: create schedule by command line

THX~! Paul but it's still prompt "Conversion from string "20090911" to type 'Date' is not valid." what is the correct date format ?

Actually could I create a schedule by command line with shedule = none ? Since my boss want to use script to create & run schedule ?


Re: create schedule by command line


To know the format of the date you can run the report in Crystal Reports. You should be prompted for the data value and the format it asks for is how you must enter it in the command line. I.E. 2009-09-01 or 2009/09/01.
As for leaving the schedule to none I do not know that that is possible. You may need to submit a support ticket to get the answer to that question.


Re: create schedule by command line

ok thx

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