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Stored Procedure Parameters

How can I pass either the current date, or a NULL value in a parameter to my crystal report that is based on and SQL server stored procedure?

Re: Stored Procedure Parameters

Took me a while but this should work as I have used a similar cheat. If you creates a view in your database and that view returns the current date e.g.

Create view v_getdate as select getdate() as currentdate

You can then use crd to pull (select currentdate from v_getdate) into that parameter.

Re: Stored Procedure Parameters

Thanks! That works brilliantly!

Re: Stored Procedure Parameters

Yes But does anybody know how to pass a NULL as a parameter? This can be done in Crystal Reports by
checking the NULL checkbox.

Re: Stored Procedure Parameters

In a dynamic schedule or a single/package schedule?

Re: Stored Procedure Parameters

Same principle. Make your stored procedure retunr "Null" value. The report won't fail, it will simply not enter a vaule.

If you are not using a stored proce and you are manually entering parameter values, then do not enter a value for the parameter. When you try to move on, CRD will prompt you. You get the choice to enter a value or ignore. If you ignore, CRD runs the report as though you had entered NULL.

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