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Schedules not -re-scheduled properly after system hangs

My CRD scheduler recently hung up due to our servers being rebooted unexpectedly. When I discovered it, and rebooted the CRD computer, all the missed schedules ran. But, it didn't schedule properly for that evening. In these examples, the schedules were to be run before midnight, but I didn't reboot until 5AM.. They ran, but didn't get re-scheduled for that evening, but the Next evening. Is there an option I am missing, is this a bug, or just something I need to manually handle.

Re: Schedules not -re-scheduled properly after system hangs


In the latest build, 20091111,if a schedule misses it run due to over scheduling or your case where a server was down, and runs the next day, after running should reschedule for that evening. I haven't tested it but you could log a support call and see what they find.


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