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Exporting Using PDF Bookmarks

I am trying to export a crystal report using CRD with the PDF Bookmarks feature enabled. I keep getting and error message that says it cannot find the field I want to use for the bookmark. It says it has to exist in Header 1 but Header 1 is not being used and in fact it is being suppressed.

Is there a work around for this?

Re: Exporting Using PDF Bookmarks

Hi Chris
Here is what you can do to work around that, firstly suppress the Header 1 then hide the field by making the same color as the background. If this does not work, you can log a support call and they will be more than happy to go through it with you.

Re: Exporting Using PDF Bookmarks

Thanks for your reply, this works fine. Is there a way to get it to drill down further than just one level live a tree?


Re: Exporting Using PDF Bookmarks

Thanks for your reply, this works fine. Is there a way to get it to drill down further than just one level live a tree?


I meant like a tree?

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