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Crystal reports Distributor Prerequisites


I would like to know, what are all the software to be installed before installing CRD.

Mainly, my question is, Is it a must to install crystal reports before installing CRD?.

Please help me in this,

Thanks in Advance,

Re: Crystal reports Distributor Prerequisites

You only need to install Crystal Reports on the CRD server if you are using native Crystal connectivity to connect your reports to the database. If you use ODBC, then you don't need CR on the server.

If you will email reports using CRD, then you need an email client as well (unless you are using CRDMail).

Re: Crystal reports Distributor Prerequisites

CRD requires Microsoft Data Access (MDAC) 2.7 and .NET Framework 1.1. It does not require Crystal Reports to be installed on the same pc.

Re: Crystal reports Distributor Prerequisites

Greetings Sir,
We have downloaded the trial 30 day 5.5 Build version on a Windows XP Pro machine and when we first installed the software and ran it(Even though we did not have CR installed, I chose CR9 as the version when asked by CRD), it came up with a Critical Error message (sorry, I cannot recollect the whole message) which had something to do with COM. So, we installed Crystal Reports 9 and ran the CRD program again, the Error Message disappeared.
I have tested this software for one day and found that all our Project report requirements are fulfilled by CRD. Great software. Excellent piece of work.
The Crystal Reports which I am scheduling using CRD were created using CR9 and [OLEDB (ADO)] connectivity between the reports and SQL Server 2000.
The only thing that confuses me (I have to report to Technical Product Manager whether we can go ahead and buy CRD without additional licenses for CR9) is that, when I really install CRD on a Windows 2003 Server, will I need CR9 to be installed for CRD to work ?
Jeevan (Software Developer, NY)

Re: Crystal reports Distributor Prerequisites

Still waiting on a reply .

Re: Crystal reports Distributor Prerequisites

It will require the presence of the CR runtime components. You can see full details of the requirements in the Pre-Requisites document. This also explains why CRD needs these compoenents, and how you can go about getting them.

If you already have CR Developer, then follow the instructions in the pre-requisites document to have the runtime components created for you using your CR license details.

Re: Crystal reports Distributor Prerequisites

Thanks for the help Helen

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