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Migrate to Local SQL Server -> Lost schedules!

Hi everyone

Until today, I used the Filesystem to store the CRD's DB.
I just Migrate to Local SQL and it seems having some troubles :
I lost 90% of my schedules, I only see 10% of my schedules in CRD.

I use CRD 6.6 on SQL Express 2008.

Does anyone get this kind of error?

Thanks for helping :)

(PS : Excuse my bad English )

Re: Migrate to Local SQL Server -> Lost schedules!

By comparing the Access Database and the SQL server Database, there are some lines which are not migrated (maybe SQL Server problems).

Using the SQL profiler and selecting a folder in CRD, CRD will retrieve report which have the folder's id as parentid :
select reportattr.reportid, reportattr.reporttitle, scheduleattr.status, reportattr.dynamic, reportattr.bursting, reportattr.isdatadriven
from reportattr inner join scheduleattr on reportattr.reportid = scheduleattr.reportid
where parent=300279465

If some lines are missing in the scheduleattr table, the inner join cause a lack of the report which the line's missing.

Hope it helps somebody and mainly I've been understood with my english...

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