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What is a schedule?

On your purchase screen pricing is based upon the number of "Schedules." What is your definition of "Schedules?"

Re: What is a schedule?

If you set up a single schedule to run at regular intervals to output to one or more emails, locations, faxes or printers, this is classed as a "schedule". There is no limit to the number of times you can run a schedule.

If you set up a package of reports, the package is counted as the number of reports within the package since each report is in effect being scheduled - only the output location is defined differently. You can run a package as often as you want.

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Replying to:

On your purchase screen pricing is based upon the number of "Schedules." What is your definition of "Schedules?"

Re: Re: What is a schedule?

Does that mean that if a package has 15 reports inside that those are counted as 15 schedules? Or is it counted as 1 due to the package?

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Replying to:

If you set up a single schedule to run at regular intervals to output to one or more emails, locations, faxes or printers, this is classed as a "schedule". There is no limit to the number of times you can run a schedule.

If you set up a package of reports, the package is counted as the number of reports within the package since each report is in effect being scheduled - only the output location is defined differently. You can run a package as often as you want.

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Replying to:

On your purchase screen pricing is based upon the number of "Schedules." What is your definition of "Schedules?"

Re: Re: Re: What is a schedule?

Yes, If a package has 15 reports in it, this is counted as 15 schedules.

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Replying to:

Does that mean that if a package has 15 reports inside that those are counted as 15 schedules? Or is it counted as 1 due to the package?

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Replying to:

If you set up a single schedule to run at regular intervals to output to one or more emails, locations, faxes or printers, this is classed as a "schedule". There is no limit to the number of times you can run a schedule.

If you set up a package of reports, the package is counted as the number of reports within the package since each report is in effect being scheduled - only the output location is defined differently. You can run a package as often as you want.

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Replying to:

On your purchase screen pricing is based upon the number of "Schedules." What is your definition of "Schedules?"

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