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Re: Configure VIM (Lotus Notes Mail box)

For Lotus notes, ensure that you have select VIM in mal type, you have entered the correct Lotus Username and password in Lotus Format. Ignore th"To" button and type in the email address in lotus format.

Currently, there is no API, but I will pass your request to our development team who will contact you directly.

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Replying to:

I had downloaded and installed your production. It seems so powerful as to schedule the distribution for our reports. However, I got some problems that I would be pleased to have your reply.

1. In our company, Lotus Notes is the main Email tool. However, the option settings (e.g. Error log sent by email alert, House Keeping) always asked me to configure MS Outlook and prompted me the CDO installed incorrectly. May I ignore it? Or can you tell how to configure a mail as Lotus Notes?

2. In fact, I am finding a solution for that the run-time generated report from VB is able to send to end-user by E-mail. I would like to know that there is any VB API that we can customize and connect your system to send/distribute our report, whatever scheduled or real-time report.

3. As extended by point 2, how does this production or VB API support VB.Net?

4. As it is able to send report to our clients with any file format, we just install one and only one distributor onto the client machine that responses for running our VB program. Am I right? Or you may have another suggestions.

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