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Re: OLAP Server

Problem Details: Crystal Report Distributor encountered an error. Method '~' of object '~' failed [-2147467261]

This problem typically happens if some of the installation process was incomplete or corrupt. Also, if the MDAC components you have on your machine are not at least V2.7, this error will come up.

-In the first instance, uninstall CRD completely from your machine. -Delete the ... /program files/crystal reports distributor folder. -Make sure you are logged in as an administrator of the machine (local will be OK, but Domain admin is just as good). -Download and install the latest MDAC from

-Install CRD evaluation version again.

After you have installed CRD, test it and let me know if your symptoms have disappeared.

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My report contains subreports that connect to an OLAP server. I get an error when I try to schedule this report. Any ideas?

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