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CRD converts apostrophe in field name to double quotes

A report is created in Crystal Reports, runs fine, etc. When it is uploaded into a CRD single report schedule, CRD replaces the ' [apostrophe, single quote] in one of the field names with a " [double quote]. Naturally, this causes CRD to fail due to an invalid field name.

I was able to circumvent this error by creating a new variable and assigning the value of the field name to this new variable, but I was wondering if you'd encountered this error and/or have a fix ready or proposed/scheduled for a future patch?

Re: CRD converts apostrophe in field name to double quotes

This is not one we have been asked before. Thanks for letting us know.

I have asked the development team the question and will get back to you as soon as I have an answer.

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Replying to:

A report is created in Crystal Reports, runs fine, etc. When it is uploaded into a CRD single report schedule, CRD replaces the ' [apostrophe, single quote] in one of the field names with a " [double quote]. Naturally, this causes CRD to fail due to an invalid field name.

I was able to circumvent this error by creating a new variable and assigning the value of the field name to this new variable, but I was wondering if you'd encountered this error and/or have a fix ready or proposed/scheduled for a future patch?

Re: Re: CRD converts apostrophe in field name to double quotes

Thank for the response.

The field name with the apostrophe was referenced only in record selection criteria, and nowhere else. I don't have a need to use this particular field in the report's output, so I'm not sure if it will fail the same way.

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