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Re: Connecting to Lotus Notes Domino database

There are two ways to connect to a lotus domino database:

1. Install Crystal Reports on the PC that is running CRD so that it uses the Crystal Lotus connection modules.

2. Set up an ODBC DSN to the domino server using Lotus proprietry ODBC drivers. Then reselect location in your report to point to the database through the ODBC you have just set up.

We prefer the second, because it means that you don't have to have a Crystal installation and the report will therefore work from any PC that has this ODBC DSN set up.

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Replying to:

I loaded a report into CRD that runs off of a Lotus Notes Domino server, and get an error that the file crdb_p2snote.dll can't be found, error# 2147189172. Does CRD have the ability to report on Lotus Notes Domino data sources?

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