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Re: Remote Administration

The Platinum Edition, whilst it allows unlimited schedules, can only be used on one machine (PC or server).

I would advise you to upgrade to one of the Enterprise Editions which licenses you organisation for multiple installations of the software. Each user then runs a copy of the software on their own PC and manages their own schedules. More information on licenses can be obtained from

If you want all the reports to be run by a single server, we have an intranet/internet client-server end to CRD called "Chameleon". This enables multiple users to set up their own schedules etc via a web page on your intra/internet. One main server executes all the schedules. This is an add-on to the Enterprise Editions. Chameleon retails at US$999.00. We don't plug it on our website as it is very rarely requested, and normally forms a part of larger deals we do with our bigger accounts.

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Replying to:

I have the Single Server edition of the CRD. Is there an administration software that can be installed on a PC to do the scheduling of reports on the server? I shouldn't have to let users go into the Data Center and work on the console of the server just to setup and schedule reports. Am I missing something here?

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