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Yearly Scheduled reports

I have recently downloaded the CRD v3 evaluation software and have 2 questions.

1) Is it possible to schedule a report to run once a year?

2) With the imminent release of v4 if we purchase the current version will we be provided with the updated version when it is released.


Lewis Johnson

Systems Administrator

Birmingham City Council

Re: Yearly Scheduled reports

At the moment, you can't schedule yearly. I have put this on the enhancment list for version 4.

There will be a small upgrade fee, but this has not been finalized yet.

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Replying to:

I have recently downloaded the CRD v3 evaluation software and have 2 questions.

1) Is it possible to schedule a report to run once a year?

2) With the imminent release of v4 if we purchase the current version will we be provided with the updated version when it is released.


Lewis Johnson

Systems Administrator

Birmingham City Council

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