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FlshTray.ocx will not register

When attempting to install the trial version onto Windows Server 2003, i get the following error :

Module C:WINDOWSsystem32FlshTray.ocx failed to register. HRESULT -2147024770. Contact your support personnel.

The only info i can find on that error number is that it is something to do with different versions of Microsoft Installer.... can anyone help ?



Re: FlshTray.ocx will not register

This is the only part of CRD which is not compatible with Win 2003.

This OCX is used only if you are scheduling with the desktop application scheduler rather than the NT Service. I imagine that you will be using th NT service, so ignore the error when it comes up during installation, and use the NT service to do the scheduling once CRD is installed.

We will compatible - ize all the components for Win 2003 in our V4 release

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Replying to:

When attempting to install the trial version onto Windows Server 2003, i get the following error :

Module C:WINDOWSsystem32FlshTray.ocx failed to register. HRESULT -2147024770. Contact your support personnel.

The only info i can find on that error number is that it is something to do with different versions of Microsoft Installer.... can anyone help ?



Re: FlshTray.ocx will not register

This bug is now fixed in Version 4. The Beta is available for download from our website.


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