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Exporting Crystal Report

Hi!! I have a problem exporting crystal report to ms word or even excel 8.0(extended). How can i export my report to ms word without shattering? Or how can i export my crystal report to ms word as is? Everytime I export my report to ms word or excel, output is always bad. Pls Help me!!

Re: Exporting Crystal Report

Word: Try exporting to RTF. This is exact format and can be opened by MS Word.

Excel: Try exporting to CSV or Tab Delimited text. Both of these can be opened by MS Excel.

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Hi!! I have a problem exporting crystal report to ms word or even excel 8.0(extended). How can i export my report to ms word without shattering? Or how can i export my crystal report to ms word as is? Everytime I export my report to ms word or excel, output is always bad. Pls Help me!!

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